Unleash Your Creativity
Explore the World of Theater with Our Professional Instructors
*Registration for ages 6 years through adult – see the website Calendar for registration date.
* Classes are scheduled on Friday evenings at Rockbrook United Methodist Church (9855 W. Center Rd.), 6:00 to 8:00 pm, concluding with a presentation on the last evening. Tuition is $225.00/9-week, 1-hour classes, non-refundable, for the first family member. $216.00/member for additional family members. Each class is 1 hour (2 classes each evening both from 7:00 – 8:00). Tuition is due at registration.
*The classes are not necessarily connected with the production (which follows starting in January), but students can be a part of the production if they choose.
*Classes will be concluded with a showcase presentation by all teachers and students on the last week. The class schedule is posted on the website one month prior to registration.

Become a part of our One For All Musical Theater Family!
Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of this production!
*Auditions and rehearsals are held as necessary for each production. Please check our website Calendar for details. Each auditioner must bring a notepad, pen/pencil, and a water bottle. Individual auditions will be held by appointment as needed on later dates.
*Rehearsals will begin in January at Rockbrook UMC, from 6:30 to 9:00 pm (all cast members 10 years and younger will be dismissed at 8:00 pm).
*There is an Entrance Fee of $50.00 for one student or $100/family if two or more students from one family would like to join.
*There is also a Fundraising Deposit of $50.00 per family. All individuals and families in the cast must fundraise, but adult individuals do not have to pay the Fundraising Deposit. This Fundraising Deposit will be refunded, provided the family has participated at or above the minimum requirement of fundraising.
*Each family will be given one parent comp ticket, good for all performances. All college-aged and older adults will not have to pay the Entrance Fee.
*Entrance Fees and Fundraising Deposits will be collected at the first rehearsal; however, all payments must be paid by the second rehearsal. Late payments will result in withholding of the production script until payment is made in full.
*Checks and cash will be accepted. (Skilled students/adults who have been invited or accepted to be in the live orchestra are not required to pay an Entrance Fee.)